New Book out now!

222 Affirmations to Promote Peace of Mind is Now Available!

The way we speak to ourselves impacts every aspect of our lives. It impacts the decisions we make, our awareness to our opportunities, and most importantly, it impacts the relationship we have with ourself. Most people absorb beliefs and verbiage from childhood yet never intentionally observe if such beliefs are true or beneficial to one’s well-being as they grow older.

When I started my own healing journey years ago, I recall the kind of inspiration and peace I would feel from intentionally speaking positivity over my life. Affirmations, combined with other practices, expanded the way I perceive life as a whole and advanced the way I experience life today in general. The dramatic shift in perspective motivated me to become trained in Neuro-Linguistic Programming and create my own organization and podcast “Affirm Your Abundance” in order to serve others looking to become “unstuck”.

The main objective of this activity guide is to improve your overall mental health.Research has overwhelmingly shown that the practice of reciting positive affirmations can decrease stress, lower rumination from anxiety, and maintain the calm needed to experience a life of divine peace and abundance.

222 Affirmations to Promote Peace of Mind: A Guide to Connect You With Your Self-Worth, Confidence, and Inner Wisdom acts as the perfect tool to support you on your self-healing journey for your mind, body, and spirit. The affirmations throughout this book, combined with the journal prompts, self-management exercises, and professional resources, allow you to embrace new perceptions while solidifying more optimistic thought patterns within your mind.

Enjoy affirming the topics of:

Increasing Self-Worth

Heartfelt Healing

Blissful Joy

Robust Health

Meaningful Relationships

Financial Freedom

Plus Unapologetic Confidence in order to live your all-embracing Abundant Life.

"This book is a great gift, designed and written so beautifully and usefully. It is a handy tool to guide us on our individualized journeys of healing, self-improvement, and actualization of our true inner spirit where we embrace the fact that abundance comes from within, not from without." - Dr. Yvelyne Germain-McCarthy